Monday 3 June 2013

painful correction

Cruel it may seem as the child cries to sleep, however painful it is in the heart of the mom who loves the child.

I don't know if I have done the right thing. Don't even know was it a problem with the child refusing to sleep or has it got to do with the child wanting to be carried to sleep. Therefore I left the child to crying after some time of coaxing him to sleep.

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in a way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 23:13 Do not withhold correction from a child, for if you beat him with a rod, he will not die.

Ben, Mommy wants to tell you this,
Proverbs 3:11-12 My son, do not despise the chastening of the LORD, nor detest His correction; for whom the LORD loves He corrects, just as a father the on in whom he delights.

"Daddy God, give me wisdom to handle your children that I will do the right thing at the right time."

I am a mom

Find it really hard to maintain a blog.

Was just looking through the title of my blog, "A brand new season".

Indeed, it is another brand new season for me.

One year after marriage, I have become a mum.

By the grace and mercy of God, not only have I become a mum of 1, but 2 boys. Yes! I have given birth to a pair of non-identical twins. It wasn't in my family line to have twins. Therefore it is a shock when we first discover 2 fetus in the scan. 

Pregnancy was hard initially though I did not have much pregnancy symptoms as one would normally experienced except for extreme fatigue. Fell into severe condemnation as a result of tiredness limiting me in performing my role effectively as a worker and a wife. Had to soak myself in the word of God. A verse that I held on dearly during my pregnancy is "My grace is sufficient for you, my strength is made perfect in weakness." This verse has held on to me throughout my pregnancy and indeed, I found supernatural strength to continue with daily life activities.

Gave birth to 2 boys, Dave and Ben on the 15th Feb 2013, weighing 2.1kg and 2.4 kg respectively.

The birth of the children was a joy but also the start of another nightmare. The endless cry with helplessness as a young parent. Numerous visits to the polyclinic for blood test due to jaundice. Felt as though I was serving a sentence as movement was confine to within the boundaries of a house.

However, I never regretted having these 2 children. They are my pride and joy. The thing I love most every morning is to see them smile. The "hard work" in exchange for a smile is all worth it!

Saturday 9 June 2012

God delights in you

Proverbs 8: 30-31(NIV)
30     Then I was constantly at his side.
I was filled with delight day after day,
    rejoicing always in his presence,
31 rejoicing in his whole world
    and delighting in mankind.

This was from the book of Proverbs. "I" referred to wisdom personified.

When I read this, I felt really loved by God.

I attended a course recently. I remember the instructor said this, "It takes 3 people to neutralise a person who is negative." This was according to a research done in America. Neutralise does not necessary mean to change a person's thinking to become positive. It basically just dilutes the negativity thoughts. In the natural, most people are drawn towards negativity. If you were to find one positive person in the midst of 2 negative people, very soon you will find even that one positive person will become negative.

In the beginning even before earth existed, wisdom was with God.Can you spend time with another person (who is so full of delight) constantly and not be influenced by him? For wisdom to say that she was filled with delight day after day, always rejoicing in God's presence, in God's whole world and delighting in mankind, can you imagine how much God really delight in ALL of us?

Saturday 26 May 2012

How is married life?

One common question you got from people after marriage is, "how's married life?"

Even though I have known my husband, previously my ex-boyfriend, for many years, living together is just different. You have to get used to sleeping with another person on your bed, adapt to your partner's sleeping timing or lifestyle (i.e. sleeping with the air con on).

It is not uncommon that these differences in our lifestyle or prioritisation  potentially lead to arguments. For example, I have heard of people saying the way they squeeze their toothpaste are different. For example one may squeeze the tube from anywhere, whereas the other like to squeeze their toothpaste from the bottom of the tube. There are quarrels because of these seemingly minor differences. Even for my husband and I, my husband likes to play computer game. With the launch of the new Diablo 3, can you imagine, he's simply hooked to the game whenever he has time to lay his hands on the computer. Being newly wedded and living in my in-laws place, I do not have my own family members to turn to when I am bored or when I just feel like whining. The only person I can talk to now is my husband. Imagine this with me, my husband is engrossed in game, and I am feeling bored and I am simply uninterested in the game he is playing. What will be my next course of action? Yes! " CAN YOU STOP PLAYING GAME?!?!"

I tried the above method but to no avail. It probably work for a day but may not last to the next day or the day after next. If I were to use the method over and over again, in time to come, my husband will perceive me as a naggy wife. Bring the things you can't change to the LORD. Only HE can make the impossible possible.

So what happen is this, I brought up the question to my husband, "Do  you remember what Pastor say about priorisation?"

"God comes first, then family, followed by ministry or work...and others....."

"So what is 'others?' Does playing games come under 'others' ?"


That instant, I realise something. The things you can't change, bring in a figure of authority. In this situation, pastor seem to be the figure of authority for him. However, it is actually God. When I can't change things by my own effort, I sought the LORD. He is the figure of authority in control! HE gave me wisdom to say the right words at the right time. I was already in awe of God's work! However God is still not finished yet.

I had another opportunity to vent out my feelings about him playing game. After I told him my feelings, my heart was like, "shucks, why did I vent out my frustration about him playing game? I don't want to be a nag!" This time round, my husband told me, "Thank you for correcting me." When we went for church service that evening, of all things, pastor has to mention about a scenario where a guy was playing game, and the girl was in the background singing, "I am so lonely". God was just affirming his correction. Don't you just see God's hand in this situation? When we bring our requests to the figure of authority, HE takes control. Once HE has started, HE completes it with a BIG BANG! 

Married life is exciting! A new season of learning, new anointing. In time to come, fruits and multiplication. 

Saturday 19 May 2012


I never knew I would have another chance to publicly acknowledged Jesus as my LORD and Saviour.

However, Daddy GOD restores.

On the night of my wedding, the pastor asked me, "Having received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour some years, would you affirm your faith in Him in the presence of God and the congregation?" And I said, "Yes, I do"